Artist Spotlight: Jon-Keith Gary

“I was diagnosed with Autism/PDD at the age of 3 years, 3 months of age. Until that point, I developed normally, including speech, and I was reading. At some point, I regressed, and lost speech and the ability to communicate. I displayed many characteristics that are part of the autism spectrum: sensitivity to sound and fabrics; hiding in small spaces, not wanting to be hugged, spinning, humming, and running away in stores and parking lots. I attended a special public school and over a two-year period, my speech was restored. My parents did not treat me any differently than my brother, so I didn’t get away with not completing my homework or doing my chores. I was a very good student and developed a passion for painting every day as well as graphic arts. I especially like science fiction themes, and I love movies. I hope to have my art in a gallery one day. I am able to communicate very well with others.” -Jon-Keith Gary
See some of Jon-Keith’s art below! You can also find more art at Jon-Keith’s website:
Jon-Keith’s story is one of many that show the unique challenges, interests, and dreams held by each adult on the autism spectrum. Together, we can create more inclusive communities that support these dreams in becoming reality.

As a parent of a child with on the ASD spectrum, my husband and I could not be more proud of how loving, caring, and talented Jon-Keith is. He has a wisdom and insight into people that might not expect, particularly when making social connections can be an issue. It has been such a joy to watch him mature and become the independent and self-sufficient young man that he is.
We are blessed beyond measure. Thank you God.
—Mom and Dad
Such a beautiful profile and commentary of one of the most gifted, intelligent, loving Artist I am privileged to know. He is a joy to be around, a hard worker, and an inspiration to all who are blessed to know him!!