Are you an adult with autism who struggles with laces or buttons? Does your son or daughter find tags annoying? Are you looking to invite more comfort into your or your loved one’s wardrobe? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, we want to help. There are many online shops that design clothes that cater specifically to those with autism. Although most of these shops are for children with autism, there are options out there for adults. Here’s a list of trendy and affordable items that can meet the needs of adults with autism and other disabilities.
1. Nike FLYEASE Athletic Shoes
Shoelaces can be a hassle. Some may not have completely mastered how to tie their laces while others just find them to be a distraction or a nuisance. Just last year, Nike released a shoe line dedicated to those with special needs called FLYEASE. With a wrap around zipper to secure the foot in place and a wider entryway to enable quick in and out foot access, these shoes were designed for anyone looking for more comfort and support. Click here to purchase.
2. Independence Day Clothing
Independence Day Clothing is a great online store for the young adult population. They offer a wide variety of clothes with no buttons, no zippers, and no tags that have reversible fronts and backs and inside/out so that they will always be worn correctly. What is also fascinating about their merchandise is that many of these pieces are GPS enabled. Therefore, if you have a GPS device for your loved one, it can be discreetly placed within these items. Click here to shop.
3. JettProof Compression Clothing
The Australian company, JettProof, was originally created by two caring and concerned parents for their autistic son, Jett. According to the website,”With up to 14 meltdowns before midday most days, they were desperate to find a product to help Jett stay calm, focused and responsive to language and instructions.” This is how the idea for JettProof was born. JettProof calming sensory compression shirts and singlets provide sensory input to all of the torso. The shirts can be worn as clothing or undergarments and help adults regulate their body and filter sensory information. JettProof delivers worldwide. Click here to shop now.
4. American Medical ID Jewelry
Many caregivers find ID bracelets to be essential in their autistic loved one’s everyday wear, especially if that their loved one is nonverbal. According to the American Medical ID website, “[ID jewelry] can help both children and adults living with autism avoid unnecessary tests and misdiagnoses in a medical emergency when time may be of the essence.” If you would like more information on these bracelets, click here.
5. World’s Softest Socks
If you or your loved one has sensory sensitives and needs a pair of soft socks, this is a World’s Softest is a fabulous online store. They have many different styles to pick from for men and women of all ages. Click here to shop!
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There’s a lack of stores that are geared towards adults with autism, but we hope that you enjoyed these fashion finds and that maybe, in the future, more shops and designs will be created to aid adults on the spectrum. For more fashion inspiration for adults with autism and other disabilities, follow Madison House on Pinterest!
Hi Iness,
Thanks for including us in your Top 5 List! Yes, medical IDs don’t need to be boring and there are several styles to choose from no matter what age or lifestyle you have. Apart from being fashionable, a medical ID is an accessory that can save your life in case of an emergency. In fact, 95% of emergencyy respondents check for an ID around the neck & wrist!
No matter how old you are, if you want to stay fashionable, then you can. Wearing a trendy outfit will boost your self-esteem, confidence, and improve the image of the person in a social setting. A pleasing style can also open different professional doors. You have to be trendy if you want to give your self introduction without speaking a single word. Thus, when choosing your clobbers, make sure you are choosing fashionable turnouts to celebrate beauty and enjoy a harmonic lifestyle.