Bimshwel Crimmenabim, Digital Artist and Painter
“I think anything that gets a person started [in art] is valid, but over time it becomes necessary to take constant inspiration from different things to develop interesting art. I never deliberately sought to improve myself until the age of 15 years, and since I did not know other artists or have clear goals, I did not improve in a swift or orderly fashion. But as long as I still have the capacity to learn new things, I suppose there is always hope – provided I truly believe in it.”
Bimshwel Crimmenabim is an artist living with autism who has been creating artwork since childhood. Prior to receiving a B.A. in Painting from the Southern Connecticut State University, Bimshwel became involved in digital arts. With work emphasizing futuristic themes and an imaginative (and often humorous) outlook, Bimshwel says, “I draw things to amuse myself and potential others.” Bimshwel’s piece, Umby Ridge, will be featured in Madison House Autism Foundation’s 2017 traveling art show, “Imagine 21.”
Be sure to visit for more information, and continue below to read a conversation with Bimshwel in which we discuss life, art, and goals for the future.
A Conversation with Bimshwel Crimmenabim

Funny, piercing commentary and work that gets better the more closely you look at it. I know the artist and think he is insightful, talented and witty. I wish he liked himself more; he deserves it.