Artist JAIN GAWNE lives in Fleetwood, United Kingdom. Her passion for drawing and painting began before she can remember. While her sisters received dolls as children, Jain received pencils and paper. She is a self taught artist who often won the Art Prize at school, but never went on to further or to higher education.
Today, Jain prefers to work with acrylics, making quick paintings that get her thoughts and feelings out in one sitting.
Jain struggles with expressing her emotions and finds it difficult to verbalize how she feels to others. She finds that painting her thoughts and feelings comes much easier.
Artist Jain Gawne loves vibrant colors, noting that it reflects her feelings better than the more subtle hues. Jain is influenced most by the 20th-Century Expressionism movement. She also draws on personal experiences.
Jain has five children and eight grandchildren, and she loves nothing more than to spend time in her attic studio with her grandchildren, watching them create their own masterpieces.
Check out some of Jain’s work at Image Pudding!