San Marcos, Texas
Artist Stanley Roth has been drawing on and off since he was a little kid. He later took courses at Montgomery College. Additionally, Stanley joined the VisAbility Art Lab in September 2017.
Although he continues to work with VisAbility Art Lab virtually, he began work with Imagine Art in Austin after moving to Texas in 2020.
Roth’s preference is to draw, however, he has also worked to explore with different materials and in different styles. His love for texture, pattern and detail are apparent in his work.
Stanley’s art and writing was recently published in You Have Been Planted Here to Create Something Beautiful: An Anthology by Writers and Artists With Disabilities.
Additionally, Stanley likes to solve Rubik’s Cubes of all sizes and competes with them in his spare time. Furthermore, after completing training at Sunflower Bakery in Bethesda, he now works at Chick- Fil-A. He is also active with Special Olympics.
Contact Stanley:
website: https://www.visartscenter.org/visability-art-lab/
Selected Work

Paint Marker and Marker
About the Autism After 21 Art Show
Madison House Autism Foundation’s annual Autism After 21 Art Show features 21 works by artists on the autism spectrum. As part of the #AutismAfter21 awareness campaign, the show utilizes the arts to shine a spotlight on the lives of autistic adults.
Furthermore, the campaign brings attention to the unique perspectives and talents of adults across the spectrum. It invites audiences into a world that recognizes and values the participation and contributions offered by autistic adults in our communities.