Western Australia
Artist Mason Levy reflects, “I have been doing art for as long as I can remember. My style changes frequently, as my creative mind is always taking me on new ideas.
I tend to do more cartoon and horror style art, however, in addition to creating random pattern art. I’ve changed how I create eyes and faces a lot over the years.
Also, I have won a few awards recently for my art in digital categories. I won second place in the digital media section for “Mandurah Masterpieces” in 2021. I won the “Judges High Accommodation” in 2018 from the As We Are Exhibition. Finally, last year I got another award from the “As We Are: The Regional Artist Award”.
I was diagnosed with autism at age 18 and I don’t think my diagnosis has held me back. Instead I think it has helped me more as I have had the support to do what I want without it holding me back”.
Contact Mason:
email: [email protected]
Selected Artwork

Digital Art
About the Autism After 21 Art Show
Madison House Autism Foundation’s annual Autism After 21 Art Show features 21 works by artists on the autism spectrum. As part of the #AutismAfter21 awareness campaign, the show utilizes the arts to shine a spotlight on the lives of autistic adults.
Furthermore, the campaign brings attention to the unique perspectives and talents of adults across the spectrum. It invites audiences into a world that recognizes and values the participation and contributions offered by autistic adults in our communities.