Chula Vista, California
Artist Kevin Hosseini is a 27-year old autistic artist who resides in Chula Vista, California. He finds that painting calms him.
Kevin’s art is featured in several books about artists on the autism spectrum. Additionally, his work has appeared in galleries and museums across the globe.
Most recently, the “Color of Sound” Art of Autism exhibit featured Kevin’s work at the Oceanside Museum of Art.
Furthermore, Kevin likes dogs, traveling and international food. He is motivated by his love of traveling and seeing new places, which is reflected in his art. Additionally, he loves nature scenes and painting places we wants to visit.
Kevin’s art appears locally in San Diego County in exhibits curated by the Art of Autism. He is also an ArtLifting artist.
Contact Kevin Hosseini:
website: www.kevingallery.com
facebook: www.facebook.com/kevinhosseiniart
Selected Artwork

Oil on Canvas
About the Autism After 21 Art Show
Madison House Autism Foundation’s annual Autism After 21 Art Show features 21 works by artists on the autism spectrum. As part of the #AutismAfter21 awareness campaign, the show utilizes the arts to shine a spotlight on the lives of autistic adults.
Furthermore, the campaign brings attention to the unique perspectives and talents of adults across the spectrum. It invites audiences into a world that recognizes and values the participation and contributions offered by autistic adults in our communities.