“A Sisterhood of Strangers”
Being an autism mom can be hard. Here are 10 relatable feelings we all know.
1. There are days when it seems like no one cares and that you are in this alone.
SOURCE: www.reddit.com
2. And then the support of others totally restores your faith in humanity again.
SOURCE: www.giphy.com
3. There are days when you are just too tired to function.
SOURCE: ruinedchildhood.com
4. And you fear that you aren’t doing enough.
SOURCE: www.giphy.com
5. Because nothing makes you feel stronger than advocating for and supporting your child.
SOURCE: www.giphy.com
6. You don’t know what you’d do without your autism parent friends … even if you only chat online.
SOURCE: gifloop.tumblr.com
7. Because they understand why you stay up at night worrying about your child’s future.
SOURCE: www.giphy.com
8. You are frustrated at the lack of services, funding, housing, and employment opportunities for autistic adults.
SOURCE: www.giphy.com
9. And sometimes navigating autism in adulthood can be super overwhelming.
SOURCE: starscream-and-hutch.tumblr.com
10. But you will never stop fighting because you are a powerhouse, superhero, warrior, and mom all tied into one.
SOURCE: www.giphy.com
Can you provide any advice I can give my cousin? She has a son with autism who likes to apply for credit cards and apparently views maxing them all out as some sort of challenge to be met.