Have you ever experienced an autistic space? If not, I highly suggest it! Vicki Gleitz is the autistic visionary behind …
New Medical Initiative: Connecting Doctors, Parents, and Adults on the Autism Spectrum
The following presentation by Dr. Faith Frankel gives practical advice to physicians, parents, and adults with autism on …
New Medical Initiative: Connecting Doctors, Parents, and Adults on the Autism SpectrumRead More
Why My Marriage is a Package Deal: Caring for a Sibling with Autism
Madison Prince's sister, Lauren, wrote the following article for in honor of Autism Awareness Month: This past autumn …
Why My Marriage is a Package Deal: Caring for a Sibling with AutismRead More
Montgomery Week in Review: Connecting Doctors and Autistic Patients
On the March 19, 2015 edition of Montgomery Week in Review, President of Madison House Autism Foundation, JaLynn Prince, …
Montgomery Week in Review: Connecting Doctors and Autistic PatientsRead More
Desi’s Desk: Exploring the World as a Neurodiverse Community
"Although we like to rock, we are not a rock-and-roll band. We are a wayfaring band, which means we are a group of …
Desi’s Desk: Exploring the World as a Neurodiverse CommunityRead More
70 Organizations Sign Important Letter to CMS
Regulations regarding waiver services and supports in every state are in flux. In January 2014, the Center for Medicaid …
My Autism Story | Bill Boutin: From Childhood to Fatherhood
When I was real little, I was just a weird kid. I was a bit late in talking and walking as well as very introverted and …
My Autism Story | Bill Boutin: From Childhood to FatherhoodRead More
Social Anxiety on the Spectrum
Many researchers have suggested a link between Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and various anxiety disorders. Years of …
House Passes the ABLE Act: Take Three Minutes to Get It Through the Senate!
The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act was just passed in the House by an overwhelming vote of 404-17! It …
House Passes the ABLE Act: Take Three Minutes to Get It Through the Senate!Read More
10 Feelings Autism Moms Know
"A Sisterhood of Strangers" Being an autism mom can be hard. Here are 10 relatable feelings we all know. 1. There are …
Tips for Your Holiday Dinners from JaLynn
Here are some simple steps to helping your guest or child with autism be more comfortable at holiday dinners. 1. Let the …
Madison House Autism Foundation Coast to Coast: Part II
Thought of the Day: Supreme Court Justice Kennedy noted in his concurring opinion regarding the Olmstead Decision, “It …
Madison House Autism Foundation Coast to Coast: Part IIRead More