Frequently Asked Questions
A City for Marc: An Inclusive Urban Design Approach to Planning for Adults with Autism (Kansas State University landscape architecture student Elizabeth Decker created a toolkit to promote urban environments that are inclusive of her younger brother, Marc.)
Housing and Residential Supports (PDF, Autism Speaks)
Housing Options for Adults with ASD (PDF, Pennsylvania Dept. of Public Welfare)
Group Homes and Residential Supports for People with Autism (Foundation for Autism Public Support and Training)
Federal Housing Resources Guide (Technical Assistance Collaborative, Inc.)
Person-Centered Thinking and Planning (University of Minnesota)
Financial Resources to Rent or Buy a Home (Autism NOW)
Housing and Residential Supports Options for Adults (Autism Speaks)
Separate and Unequal, Harkin 2013 Report (U.S. Senate)
A Sensory Friendly Home (E-book by FCbooks)
Accessibility Checklist (Easter Seals)
2019 IACC Workshop Materials: Addressing the Housing Needs of People on the Autism Spectrum
Autism Housing Network (Sponsored by Madison House, this is an online collection of the nation’s best residential options)
Final HCBS Regulation and State Deadlines (Resources produced by Medicaid including the final version of the new HCBS regulations, the guidance that was given to states, key provisions on setting requirements, FAQ, and state specific information and resources)
State Medicaid Directors (List of all state Medicaid Directors – the person in charge of allocating the federal funding from the Center for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) that serves a variety of people including those with disabilities in long term support services)
Low Income Housing Tax Credit List (Low Income Housing Tax Credit program is a Federal based program of the US Dept. of Treasury. Every state is given this funding to become an incentive to public-private development of affordable housing.)
Fair Housing Accessibility First (Fair Housing Accessibility FIRST is a new initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) designed to promote compliance with the Fair Housing Act design and construction requirements.)