Click on your state below to access local resources.
Need Help Paying Bills (Online database with important information on different financial resources in the state of Alabama)
Alabama Lifespan Respite Resource Network (The Alabama Lifespan Respite Resource Network provides financial aid for families taking care of a child or adult with disabilities. Click to apply for respite)
Easter Seals Birmingham Area Medical Assistance Grant Program
The Arc of Anchorage, Alaska – Short Term Assistance and Referral (STAR)
Financial Support by Stone Soup Group (The Stone Soup Group provides mini-grants and STAR funds for adults and families that experience a disability).
Pilot Parents of Southern Arizona General Programs and Services
Financial Help Resources from the Arizona Department of Economic Security
Client Services Trust Fund from the Arizona Department of Economic Security
Bart Stevens Special Needs Planning, LLC (Financial information and help regarding trusts and estate planning in the state of Arizona by specialized financial planning team.)
Individual and Family Grants from Department of Developmental Services
PLAN (The PLAN organization was created for parents by parents to help set up trusts and estate planning for children with disabilities).
Arcare (Life Care Planning)
AANE Grant Programs (Financial assistance for necessary services for those age 0-22)
Baystate Financial (Specialized financial planning/support for people with disabilities)