All of us in the autism community know that securing appropriate housing and ensuring support over one’s lifetime are major areas of concern. The prevalence of autism is increasing while waitlists for supportive housing are years (and sometimes decades) long. Five hundred thousand children with autism will reach adulthood over the next decade. Another 500,000 autistic adults living with aging caregivers will soon need to support themselves (2016). Where will these individuals live once family caregivers can no longer provide care? How will they continue to receive all of the services and supports necessary to lead happy and successful lives?
Parents, self-advocates, and developers around the country are taking the housing crisis into their own hands. There are incredible supportive housing opportunities from around the country being built, not only by disabilities housing experts, but by everyday people.
Many are asking, “How do these non-experts even begin to navigate the complex process of building a supportive housing community?” The Autism Housing Network (AHN) is answering this question.
A project of Madison House Autism Foundation, the AHN is the first interactive online community to provide free access to the best information and discussion on creating housing options for autistic adults and others with special needs. This innovative tool is reinventing the way project starters navigate today’s supportive housing landscape.
The AHN has a long history. It’s been through a few iterations, and with the ongoing support of our amazing sponsors, our relaunch this April is the best yet. We are weeks away from our big unveiling, and to say we are bursting with excitement would be an understatement!
Before the unveiling, we need your help. We believe that communities are built upon the participation of all members, which is why we are asking you to send us your favorite housing model or resource to be included on the site. The AHN was created for the community and is sustained by the community. Please click the buttons below to contribute your housing ideas and resources to this amazing community:
In addition, we are seeking sponsors to join The Marriott Foundation, Case Studio, and American Airlines in funding our efforts to continue improving the AHN. Become an AHN sponsor by contacting Adrienne McBride at [email protected]
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for all of the latest information about our big relaunch this April. We are looking forward to connecting with all of you on the new and improved Autism Housing Network!
I am a mother in NYC working with other parents, agencies, and even approaching the mayor’s office about trying to develop housing for our adult autistic kids. Please put me on your mailing list. I need all the help I can get!