Frequently Asked Questions:
Transitioning to Life After High School (Pacer Center)
Family Services Employment Toolkit (Autism Speaks)
Transition Toolkit (Autism Speaks)
For Those With Autism, Hospitals May Be Ideal Training Ground, Disability Scoop (2014 article discusses a hospital internship program)
SCORE Assistance (SCORE’s nationwide initiatives help entrepreneurs and small business owners at various stages in their professional lives.)
The Lifespan Transitions Center at OCALI (This site contains a plethora of resources related to employment and transitioning.)
Autism Employment Entrepreneurs on Google+ (A virtual community that promotes virtual collaboration and discussion)
What Matters Most Campaign (Working to expand options and opportunities that meet the broader needs of the diversity community, from services and supports to education and employment)
Partnerships with Industry (A San Diego-based nonprofit bringing together employers and persons with developmental and other disabilities in win-win partnerships)