National Autism Awareness Month
By Sylvia McMillan, PhD
April is National Autism Awareness month and provides a distinctive opportunity for each of us to increase our level of understanding of its gifts and its challenges for an increasing percentage of families. Despite its prevalence, there remains a great deal of misunderstanding and lack of information regarding autism. At least one in 88 individuals is affected by autism and most will need our help, support, and understanding throughout their lives.
We invite you to join Madison House Autism Foundation in being a part of the solution. Use Facebook or Twitter to update your status to raise awareness and spread the word. Like MHAF on Facebook. By making a monetary donation to Madison House Autism Foundation or volunteering to help, you can make a tangible difference and shed light on an issue which many people know little about, yet one that is imperative that we address.
Madison House is making great strides in addressing issues facing autistic adults. We are launching our Autism Housing Network, supporting research with Johns Hopkins University, sponsoring Arts and Autism events, working on housing models, conducting educational and awareness campaigns and more. But we need your help, urgently.
Please join me and our founder, board, staff, partners and volunteers in confronting the many challenges that face autistic adults. Please give generously to our cause. Help us to help build a brighter future for all who are affected by autism.
Warm regards,
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